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Archive for October 2011

Daddy’s Back!

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Hey Kids!

Sorry that I had vanished without a trace for a time.  It was not my intention to leave you, my treasured readers lonely and afraid, (or something like that).  Things have been insane for me the past several weeks.  Suffice it to say up front, that I am alive and hanging in there no worse for the wear.    I’m still suffering through dancing with the stars.  I have no bloody idea how or why Nancy Grace and Chaz Bono are in the mix.  Gotta be some sort of Faustian pact with teh devil I suppose.

My marathon training got interrupted per doctors orders around week #9.  I’m pretty bummed about it because I was making great improvements.  This Friday I am having some mroe testing done, and hopefully all will be fine, and I can resume training.  I’m guessing I’ll have to back track a few weeks and build back up once again to where I was.  I assure you all that my training is merely postponed, and not cancelled(by God’s grace and mercy!).

I’ll keep you posted on that.

Also, I did have opportunity to begin posting some ‘serious’ articles on

Not sure if you are familiar with that site, but, if you are so inclined, I strongly encourage you to check it out, and look for me….Jeff Grillo!  Woo Hoo!  ( you won’t see any woo hoo’s from me over theree!)

I am pretty much back.  I can’t promise daily articles right away…but, i can promise you that you wont go more than a couple days without a dose of my madness.  Oh…I should also have some good news to post pretty soon.  I have a new radio show that is going to be syndicated on a few internet radio sources.  As soon as I have URL’s and times, I’ll post here so you can check it out.  The show is pretty nutty and funny.  If you remotely enjoy my posts, you will absolutely love the radio ME!


Written by jeffgrillomedia

October 25, 2011 at 12:44 am

Jeff Grillo 2016 Campaign Kicking Off NOW!

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With the deadline to file a candidacy coming up at the end of this month, I am too late to declare for 2012…Sorry America!

But, I figure I will toss my hat in the ring now for the next go-around. What qualifies me for President of the United States of America? A simple answer…the Constitution. You see, the only qualifications required are that you are a natural born citizen….check! AND, that you are at least 35 years old…check!

I have come to the conclusion that America needs a plain talking man of his word to take the reigns of this once great nation. Under a Jeff Grillo Presidency, this nation will once again be great!

Here’s my platform..take it or leave it.

1. America FIRST – No more throwing money over seas to nations that hate us. Stop nation building. Last I checked, those nations we are bombing the crap out of now, were pretty crappy before we got there. How about they thank us for getting rid of tyranical dictators and move on. Just a thought… I’m not saying it’s right but it’s right for now. Bring our men and women home. A few strategic places we can keep troops…ie, Japan, S.Korea, Germany, Italy, etc. Keep some boys in Saudi Arabia in case anyone in the Middle East gets out of line, we will have a quick path to even things up. I know this was under Domestic policyt…but by starting with this, I merely point out I will save trillions of dollars by cutting us off from being the world cops.
2. Cut corporate taxes to match those of nations our corporations are running to in order to save money. This may not sound smart, except it will bring jobs home! More jobs at home…bigger tax base…voila!
3. Enough with the green crap! Drill baby drill! Sound familiar? I think I’ll make that Palen chick czar of oil and drills and stuff. Canada? Keep those oil sands coming baby. Solar? The only solar policy I have is use a little spf before hitting the beach….capice?
4….or whatever number is next….(typing too fast). Let’s put people to work by bulding that freakin’ fence along the border….build it with wood, concrete, steel…electronic thingys with lasers that’ll blast anyone sgoofy enough to cross the border illegally. BUT…in fairness…we’ll clamp down on ALL illegal entry to this nation…BUT…hand in hand with that policy we will streamline and speed up the process for LEGAL immigrants. Let’s not make it difficult for people trying to get here legitimately who want a better life.
5..i’ll get back to domestic stuff later….that’s enough for now.

1. ISRAEL….YES / IRAN…NO! Benjamin Netanyahu…you have free reign to do what you will with people who pose a threat….and we will have your back!
2. UN….thanks but No THANKS! yOU ARE EVICTED…NO more money from US taxpayers. You’re evicted…find a new home. As for the property in the US…Library? Community Center? Museum to stupid policies? sure!
#next…. US military….lets build build build. How about a fleet of new nuclear subs and aircraft carriers and station them off the China Coast….just in case.
#next… China….i like Donald Trumps position on China…if you’re not gonna play nice and stop manipulating your currency…25% tarrif. That ought to do it.
#next… Let’s boost up our cyber defenses too….and how about we nuke Nigeria if they keep sending me those stupid email scams to get my bank account info. Maybe that’s just me…. Sorry Nigeria. Maybe we’ll just unplug you guys from the net. Oh…and if I get one more freakin spam email from viagra…enlarge my manparts email…holy crap….enough already!

Look, I’ve got ideas a plenty, but in order to get going….I need to know my blog readers are with me here! Just in the interest of transparency here…I’m a registered republican…but if I run, I’m guessing I wont get the GOP nomination…so I’m gonna start a grassroots movement to start a new party. No more DEM, GOP, or IND…I’m starting the WTF party! No it’s not what you think. It stands for “Why the Frown?” Its a party for people who have been made sad by the current system. The WTF party will stand for sane, right thinking people who are tired of frowning….and want to smile!

I love you all1 God Bless America!

Written by jeffgrillomedia

October 8, 2011 at 8:38 pm

Trying Not to Die

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In case you’ve been paying attention and noticed that I have not posted anything in my ‘My Marathon Training’ category in a while. First off, yes I am still training. I am in week #9 of 26 weeks of training. This should be week #10, but I repeated week #8 in order to get back on track after a week of injury.

I’ve got to admit, I have mixed emotions about my training. It seems to be more and more of dread involved with my runs now that they are getting to be 8 and 9 miles long. Im experiencing more pain. That being said, I am improving in terms of cardiovascular health. I’m on the borderline of being ‘average’ finally! Yes…a big improvement! My weight however has remained about the same which is incredibly surprising m to me. I have definitely made physical changes. My waistline is trimmer for sure. My legs are much more defined. I’m guessing that the weight gains in muscle are offsetting fat loss. But, it is still somewhat disturbing to me.

I’m guessing the #’s on the scale will startt to drop here soon. Gotta believe that my legs are only gonna get so big. Then any additional fat loss should show up then.

Overall, am I glad I’m doing this? Yes. It’s insane all day long, but, I do feel better in some ways. Plus, it will be one big check mark on my bucket list. I just hope i get to check it off, before the training kills me!

Written by jeffgrillomedia

October 5, 2011 at 2:55 pm